Most of
today's wars are fought over oil. Many of the world's leaders have stated the war in Iraq
is over control of oil, and so to is the threat of the war's expansion into Iran.
Now we see turmoil over oil lines near Russia, Colombia and elsewhere.
Throughout history wars have been fought over scarce resources. The job of the peace activist is to reduce the scarcity of essential resources by replacing them with new technologies, or by making current technologies much more efficient.
In the 1970's the gloom and doom of the day came in the form of predictions
of mass food shortages across the globe. According to scientists then our future
was to consist of famine, starvation, and war.. over food. Why didn't it happen?
We were saved by technology. Technolgy
enabled farmers to produce seven times the food per acre than they could before.
"The Green Revolution" ended the pending shortage of food and all of the
disasters that were to come with it.
Once again we need technology to save the day. This time we aren't just looking to improve oil fuel efficiency, but rather we're looking to replace oil altogether so that the problem will never return.
"Our Renewable Future" will show the many ways to a brighter future for us all by demonstrating how to free the world from its dependence on oil.
Please pledge to donate today.